Howie's NAPL page
Howard M. Fenton
(or “Howie” as he calls himself) is a well known author, consultant and
trainer in the graphic arts. He is best known as the senior consultant
of digital technology for NAPL, six years as a consultant for Graphic Arts Technical Foundation (GATF) and his three years as the editor of Pre, a prepress magazine.
He has authored five books. The subjects include
digital printing, scanning, color management, process control and
emerging digital technologies. He writes and emails two free newsletters entitled Digital Technology Trends – one for production staff, the other for non-production staff.
He specializes in digital printing, new prepress
technologies, digital workflow, quality control, color management, and
the implementation and management of new technologies. He audits 35
companies per year and after 12 years has a client list of
approximately 200 companies. For more information email

Subscribe via 
NAPL Senior Technology Consultant Howard Fenton provides strategies companies can use to maximize their workflow integration and efficiencies, click here.
Effectively leveraging digital and variable printing to provide customers with value-added communications solutions is the focus of this "live from TMC" audio podcast, in which Howard Fenton, NAPL senior technology consultant, engages in a insightful discussion with Tom Conley of LectraMedia, John Mahoney of The Mahoney Group, and Bob Radzis of RT Associates, click here.
Interested in the latest on web-to-print, prepress, packaging, and more? To hear NAPL Senior Digital Technologies Consultant Howard Fenton's 'take' on technology trends at the show, click here.

Acrobat here.)

The Color Management Controversy - Is it Worth It?
Slowdown in 'Disruptive Technologies' May Speed Up Sales
Acrobat here.)
Issue 24: August 2005
Print '05 Overview
Association Events & Special Pavilions
Desktop Software: PDF & Color Tools
RIPS & Workflow Systems
Management, Enterprise & MIS systems
Variable data & Web Based
CTP, DI & Digital presses
Small & Large Presses
Post-Press, Mailing, Press Accessories
Issue 23: April 2005
NAPL and Print Image International Merger Rumors squashed
Growth in Color Laser Market and HP's new product
Andy says improvements continue for printers
Learning To Live With Spam
What type of training do you need?
Exercise, music, stress and pain
Issue 22: March 2005
Next Generation Color Devices are coming
Consolidation of Digital Standards Groups
Xerox's Gil Hatch Center opens with new products
Catalogers Use Internet Better but not Key Data
Adults better Web surfers than teens
Screen Printing and Wide-Format Inkjet to Co-Exist
Kids Consume Media Like Candy
Netscape v8 Beta released
Issue 21: January 2005
- Inplants vs
Commercial Printers: equipment, cost models & convenience
- Inplants vs
Commercial Printers: Start up problems with variable data printing
The theory behind the Apple Mini
The Status of the Economic recovery
- RFID (radio
frequency identification technology)
3rd Generation (3G) Wireless Networks
Micro Fuel cells as longer lasting
Issue 20: December
Turbocharging the Info Superhighway
using RSS
Mac OSX Tiger's, Safari 2.0
Xpress 6.5 "cool" features and problems
Xpress 6.5 Printing Problems
Acrobat 7
Processless Plates Update - Article
Issue 19:
August 2004
- Business is not "as usual",
its better because cross media marketing
- NAPL reports Print Sales are Back (Finally!)
- Presstek buys ABDick, what's
- SWOP merges with IDEAlliance
- Kodak announced a 37% jump in second-quarter profit
- Quark changed licensing
- Donelly brings Six Sigma to workflows in Seybold SFO 04
- Andy Tribute creates CTP and digital print controversies
Issue 18: April 2004
Inkjet vs Toner- Digital Printing Battle Lines being drawn
Agfa resumes digital printing sales with a inkjet device
Kodak returns to digital printing with toner and inkjet
Heidelberg leaves digital printing
Photogram announces Dense Raster Image Processing (DRIP) technology
Xeikon and Xerox continue to sell toner technology
Issue 17: March 2004
Preview, editorial and some soap boxing
NAPL's Latest Economic Report – "Lookin' Good"
Kodak to Acquire NexPress and Heidelberg Digital
Industry Chiefs Testify on Postal Reform
Agfa's new press, closed-loop platemaking & buys Lastr
Hal Hinderliter Named Director of Graphic Communication Institute
Drip a new high definition printing technology
Print On Demand Patent Infringed, Jury Awards $15 Million
GraphicConverter 5.0 released
Thanks and Goodbye to Seybold Publishing
Podi Show is a hit
Issue 16: February 2004
Market Researcher Trendwatch counts Graphic Arts companies
Spams driving shoppers away from Internet
Family names son version 2.0
Ricoh Launches Aficio 2232C (24ppm) and Aficio 2238C (28ppm)
MPA Proposes Lower Mailing Rates
KPG to introduce a Thermal Direct Non Process Plate
Screen's new DI press, the TruePress 344
Xerox on Broadway (new product announcements)
Editorial - The Scanner is the Killer App and Xerox Targets HP
Issue 15: January 2004
Xerox's Secret Announcement
Mohawk Paper launches a "cool" new website
Enfocus & StaffingTools create online Pitstop training
Study on the Cost Of CTP Plates creates controversy
FedEx Buys Kinko's Quick Copy Franchise
InPlants go digital
Unhappy Apple users
Issue 14: November 2003
What's New in Wireless? Getting Up to Speed
Pros and Cons of Wireless Networks
Deciphering alphabet soup IEEE 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.16
Security Issues and answers such as wardriving and warchalking
Issue 13: September 2003
Teens Spending More Time Online Than Watching TV
Bye Bye home phones
America's Key Influentials are Web Junkies
Xplor 2002 theme
Adobe PostScript 3 version 3016 software
Cost of satellite TV less than cable
Issue 12: July 2003
Macintosh G5 “world’s fastest personal computer”
TWGA says 2003 another tough year for creative pros
Online Shoppers Indicate Satisfaction is Key to Repeat Business
CMR Boosts 2003 Ad Revenue Forecast
Print Buying Made Simpler
Acrobat 6 Review
Digital Do's, Don'ts: An Interview with this author
Issue 11: April 2003
In Depth Article: Digital Front Ends: The Evolved RIP
Issue 10: November 2002
Author (Howie Fenton) Joins NAPL
New, higher resolution, cameras
Time's Tech Guide Offers hi-tech gifts just in time for holidays
Online Shopping Gets a Lift From Experienced Net Surfer
New Palms
Cheaper Pocket PCs
Apple reclaims 'innovation lead'
Home Networking
Stock photography not dead
Report Highlights top sales opportunities
Issue 9: October 2002
Prices for flat panel monitors going down
Computer sales and what's new with computers
51% Of U.S. Online time is now high speed or Broadband
Study discusses proofing, cross-media, & digital camera usage
Free Web Directories (catalogs)
PC World Ranks Inexpensive Inkjets
Happy Mac Gets the Ax
DVD sends the VCR tapes packing
Issue 8: October 2002
Prices for flat panel monitors going down
Computer sales and what’s new with computers
51% Of U.S. Online time is now high speed or Broadband
Study discusses proofing, cross-media, & digital camera usage
Free Web Directories (catalogs)
PC World Ranks Inexpensive Inkjets
Happy Mac Gets the Ax
DVD sends the VCR tapes packing
Happy – smiley opening Mac Icon gets the ax & it’s a bad sign
Issue 7: September 2002
New Trendwatch Study on Digital Workflows
NAPL Report Raises Doubts About Industry Recovery
Updated version PPML
Color Guide in Pantone Colors Printed by Flexography
Apple moves desktops to dual processor
Free Web Directories (catalogs)
Creo Returns To Profitability
Creo to Acquire ScenicSoft
Networking without the Wires
Letter to the editor: Platemaking vs. Imagesetting
Issue 6: August 2002
Digital Technology Trends author resigns from GATF
GraphicConverter Update
Inkjet Saving Software
Printers predict growth of digital printing
Point : Counterpoint - USB 2 vs. Firewire 1394b
Michael Jahn joins Enfocus
Enfocus Ghent PDF "Quality Standard"
Case Study: Color Managed Inkjet - Not Matching Press
New 12-Step Plan for Adopting a CTP Workflow
Issue 5: June 2002
ICC Releases 2001 Report
Service Winners: Heidelberg, HP, Epson, Xerox and Agfa
Fast-drying, broader gamut inkjet printer
Global Graphics Sells Hardware Division To Management Team
Epson Launches Seven New Wide Format Papers
Apple introduces OS X server hardware
AOL to switch from IE to Netscape
Special Offer for QuarkXPress Users
Platemaking vs Imagesetting: Issues and Answers
Point Counterpoint - The Future of Cymbolic Sciences
Heidelberg Eliminates Scanners and Low End Imagesetters
Issue 4: May 2002
Email effective for Customer Retention & Sales
Xeikon stops sheet fed press, but not technology
Point Counterpoint - Better PDF creation strategy
PC World’s Best Monitor
Blocking On-Line Ads
Xaar and Toshiba collaborate for branded printheads
Exclusive - 2002 Presidents Conference report
Recent proofing reviews
PDF/X-1 and PDF/X-1a Approved
New version Internet Explorer
GATF’s 12-Step Plan for Adopting a CTP Workflow
Issue 3: April 2002
Printing Companies Honored
Xeikon Gets Acquired
Adast files for bankruptcy
New IEEE wireless spec
Dot-bombings decreased last month
GAM ID's 5 five key print-purchasing industries
Effects of Postal rate increase
Key applications, predicted for static black and white toner pages
Issue 2: March 2002
Tech Alert Show: PDF, large format inkjet, pressroom issues
Study Documents Branding Impact of Online Ads
Quark 5 Ships, Photoshop 7 announced
Comparing Features and Functions of CTP Equipment
Finally Answers about Typical Run Lengths in Digital Printing
Innovative Press monitoring systems: NexPress & MAN Roland
Time Shocks Advertisers / Printers with PDF/X-1a endorsement
Issue 1: February 2002
Case History: Streamlined Color Production DAM + ICC
Internet security: basic & advanced
Updates: Toast, Nero, QuickTime, Norton 7.0
Hands-On Tips: Issues and Answers with PDF files
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