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Artificial Intelligence
News and Perspectives

Robot learns to play "dirty" Scrabble
Eyal Amir, an assistant professor and PhD candidate Mark Richards, from the Department of Computer Science at Illinois, develop a program to predict which letter tiles other players hold, and use this information to choose moves which block a high-scoring word that an opponent might otherwise have played. Highly artificial?

Driver's ed for robot racers
AI software to guide unmanned cars through city streets?

Artificial Intelligence could speed up radiation therapy for cancer patients
A subfield of artificial intelligence, machine learning is based on the development of algorithms that allow computers to learn relationships in large datasets from examples. Radke and his coworkers have tested their algorithm on 10 prostate cancer patients at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. They found that for 70 percent of the cases, the algorithm automatically determined an appropriate radiation therapy plan in about 10 minutes.

New software to demolish the Tower of Babel on mobiles
Speak in Bengali, hear in Tamil

Computer Brains
A team of computer scientists and mathematicians at Palo Alto, CA-based Artificial Development are developing software to simulate the human brain's cortex and peripheral systems.

Transhumanists see future as more human than human

Brain Fingerprinting
A sub-set of brain waves that register as brief electrical patterns are used to replace polygraph tests.

Energy conservation firm wins UCD award
Lightwave Technologies uses artificial intelligence techniques to make efficient decisions for controlling energy usage in commercial buildings with the objective of saving up to 30 percent of energy costs for clients.

Beyond Voice Recognition, to a Computer That Reads Lips
The idea is to make speech recognition software work a lot better, even in noisy places.

Neural-Network Technology Moves into the Mainstream
Real-time data mining -- powered by neural-network technology -- has begun to remake the way large corporations manage customer accounts. The technology has been helping companies gain deep insight into customer purchasing patterns.

CMU team to develop a software 'secretary'
Such an assistant might recognize the difference between an e-mail from your boss and an e-mail offering discounted Viagra.

AI software gives virtual guitars a lifelike sound
By crafting a rule system that simulates a human virtuoso, Sibelius and its new "guitar-only" version, called G7, perform music convincingly enough to turn heads.

The semantic web
A touch of intelligence for the internet?

'Biomimetics' researchers inspired by the animal world
Animal kingdom inspires new breed of robots

Automatic Astronomy: New Robotic Telescopes See and Think
A surprisingly cheap new crop of thinking and seeing machines work alone, scanning the heavens every night, from dusk to dawn with no coffee breaks, looking for objects that humans have so far failed to find. 

Imagine Machines That Can See
Inspired by the neurobiology of small animals, they're learning to make robot lobsters and other critters that might be able to clear minefields or sniff out dangerous substances.

Grading Papers Virtually
Computer Software Scores Student Essays

Computers That Speak Your Language
Voice recognition that finally holds up its end of a conversation is revolutionizing customer service. Now the goal is to make natural language the way to find any type of information, anywhere

Hollywood to Give U.S. War Games "Razzmatazz"
Administered by the University of Southern California, ICT launched in 1999 with a five-year, U.S. $45 million grant from the United States Army. Its mission: To bring some Hollywood razzmatazz to Army war games and training exercises.

Robotic Houseflies to Take Flight Within Five Years
The science fiction fantasy of flying robots the size of houseflies may become a reality within five years, if UC Berkeley researchers have their way.

Humanizing gadgetry to tame the flood of information
"We are on a mission to change the way it feels to work with computers,"

Georgia Tech Researchers Use Lab Cultures To Control Robotic Device
The Hybrot, a small robot that moves about using the brain signals of a rat, is the first robotic device whose movements are controlled by a network of cultured neuron cells.

Intel's sights on lip-reading software
Intel has released software that lets computers read lips, a step forward that could lead to better voice recognition applications.

Artificial intelligence to assist mothers
A small student club called "I-New" of Seoul National University of Technology (SNUT) surprised the baby goods industry by winning the silver medal at the first national student invention contest with its artificial intelligence baby bed.

Artificial Intelligence ... Real results
It is an article on some on going projects in universities. 

Smart Tools
Companies in health care, finance, and retailing are using artificial-intelligence systems to filter huge amounts of data and identify suspicious transactions

Getting The Message
It ain't just what you say, it's the way that you say it

How Antispam Software Works
Bayesian filtering doesn't adhere to any particular set of rules - it learns and relearns how to spot spam by scanning the mail you've read and the mail you've rejected.

Recent advances in computer vision
Computer vision has produced important applications in fields such as industrial automation, robotics, biomedicine, and satellite observation of Earth.

Intel hammering out robot standards
Intel is developing standards for building inexpensive robots that eventually could automatically inspect industrial equipment or take aerial photographs.

Aim to create 'sensitive' PCs
Computers that can recognise and understand human emotions could be about to move a step nearer.

The cyborg evolution
The renowned Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking believes humans need an upgrade.

Antiwar Song, With Whimsy
AI is being used to determine the "Gold content" of songs.


Mimicking cockroaches' 'mechanical intelligence'
Development of legged robots could help in navigating disaster sites, other dangerous and difficult-to-reach places

Robot Subs Go To War
Already, smart unmanned subs are set to replace dolphins as undersea mine sniffers

Mind of the company
Science is finding that mimicking living systems to produce robots is about understanding biology, not physics. There are lessons here for the way we run our corporations

Crime: A Google for Cops
Coplink is based on an achingly simple, but frustratingly elusive, premise: if the sundry databases used by crimefighters could talk to one another, the importance of seemingly inconsequential pieces of information would become more readily apparent.

Subs newest aid in counting fish population
Institute of Marine Science in Gloucester Point, Va., has developed an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) that takes sonar pictures of passing fish shoals and uses an artificial intelligence system to recognize the fish species in question and count them.

Brainy Radio
A personal digital assistant (PDA) falls from its owner's pocket during lunch. After a little while on the restaurant floor, it awakens, calls home, and notifies its owner that it has been left behind. That's all in a day's work for a "cognitive radio," a wireless device that's aware of its environment and learns from its user.

Robots get cheeky
K-bot will smile, sneer, frown and even squint. Its 24 mechanical muscles react in under one second to produce the copycat visage.

Ads about to see you coming
A British company has said that by the end of the year it would launch software to allow "live" advertisements to sense when a person is nearby, knowing their sex, age and race.

Brainwave technology offers new hope for disabled
Paralysis sufferers might one day be able to complete simple tasks, such as writing a letter, using brainpower alone.

Beauty In The Eye Of The Android
Artificial intelligence experts in Fife have unveiled a robotic head which they say can scientifically determine how attractive women are to men.

Butterflies offer lessons for robots
It turns out that butterflies' fluttering is neither random nor clumsy.

Varsity's lie detector could make millions
The Silent Talker uses artificial intelligence to monitor the miniscule gestures made by the face. And by detecting these tiny movements the machine can determine when people are lying.

IBM aims to get smart about AI
In the coming months, IBM will unveil technology that it believes will vastly improve the way computers access and use data by unifying the different schools of thought surrounding artificial intelligence.

Security cameras are getting smart -- and scary
John O'Donnell, chief technology officer of Equator, notes that cameras need good processing intelligence because cameras need to distinguish between truck exhaust and car fires before they send an alarm to those monitoring cameras.

Robotic Snakes May Fight Terror, Save Lives
The use of beveled gears around their circumference, allows the serpentine robots many more degrees of movement than conventional robots—including the ability to move efficiently in three-dimensional space.

Rowan does its part to protect pipelines
Rowan team is developing a system using virtual reality and artificial intelligence to inspect gas pipelines

Mind Games
To beat the competition, video games are getting smarter

Yes, they're cute: Will they think someday?
Prof. Hiroshi Tsukimoto of Tokyo Denki University attempted to answer this controversial question by focusing on robots' capability of understanding language in his book titled "Robotto no Kokoro" (Robot's Mind).

Composer harnesses artificial intelligence to create music
Neural networks have succeeded in imitating distinct musical styles, but truly original compositions have remained elusive.

Interface gets the point
Researchers from Pennsylvania State University and Advanced Interface Technologies are working to untangle the relationships between prosody -- the loudness, pitch, and timing of speech -- and gestures in an attempt to improve the way computers recognize human gestures.

Robots for the masses
A start-up company says it has developed a navigation system that is cheap enough to bring robots to the mass-consumer market.

Security cameras are getting smart -- and scary
Cameras need good processing intelligence because cameras need to distinguish between truck exhaust and car fires before they send an alarm to those monitoring cameras.

Icarus May Be Key To Saving Lives
A version of the system helping doctors to diagnose inflammatory bowel diseases - which could develop into cancers - is nearing the end of a successful trial at Nottingham's Queen's Medical Centre.

Future Tech: Thinking Machines
Reverse-engineering the brain might finally lead to smarter computers

A Massive undertaking
The software could even be reverse-engineered to use simulated A.I. in controlling large groups of real-life robots on missions where it's useful for them to be able to think for themselves.

Rat-Brained Robot,
Rat neuron cells on silicon are the brains behind a new robot—a breakthrough that may lead to better computer chips.

Exploring space will require new robots
They're called ANTS -- it's an acronym for Autonomous Nano Technology Swarm, a fleet of tiny insect-like spacecraft which could cruise all by themselves to the asteroid belt. Equipped with mini solar sails, each high-tech critter would use the delicate pressure of the sun's rays to push it along on its journey.

A.I. Cop on the Beat
Coplink, an artificial-intelligence–driven search engine for crime characteristics, scans multiple databases for connections among names, vehicles, physical descriptions, and other aspects of a crime or criminal.

Designing A Robot That Can Sense Human Emotion
Their vision, which is to create a kind of robot Friday, a personal assistant who can accurately sense the moods of its human bosses and respond appropriately.


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