February 12, 2025  











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hNBIC Editors: Published items (items 1 to 50)
February 23, 2009
Wal-Mart's wearing a new hat: health care advocate  Health Populi
"Wal-Mart [is] becoming something of a universal health insurance advocate."
Innovation in Healthcare -- When it Pays   Health Management Rx
"Unless we look to increasing consumerism and commercialization healthcare will bankrupt the nation."
Comparative Effectiveness Research: Will It Have Teeth? Part I  Health Beat
“Comparative” Effectiveness vs. “Cost” Effectiveness"
Predicting faces from genes  Genetic Future
"A DNA-based mugshot" and prenatal face prediction.
Disruption and the healthcare bubble  e-Patients.net
"American healthcare is generally blind to solutions that are already well implemented in other industries."
Africans’ DNA could be abused  
Exploitation via gene patents. Bobby Jordan in The Times (South Africa) via the Center for Genetics and Society.
Some hard questions about neurolaw: If you are interested in law and neuroscience, read this article  Brains On Purpose
"...what the brain can show us about legal matters such as liability, truth-telling, and criminal propensity."
Children at all Costs?  Bioethics Forum
"Madame Ovary," reproductive ageism, medical tourism, international reproductive travel, government health plans, surrogacy and medical ethics.


hNBIC Editors: Published items (items 1 to 50)
February 24, 2009
Dr. Wi-Fi to the Rescue 
Celeste LeCompte of GigaOM writing in BusinessWeek describes consumer health electronics. Via mobihealthnews.
Neuroreductionism: not dead yet (Reiner)  Neuroethics & Law Blog
More on yesterday's post about neurolaw.
Comparative Clinical Effectiveness Research: Good News In Shades Of Gray  Science-Based Medicine
"What’s Good For The Geese Isn’t Necessarily Good For The Goose"
Yelp: the backlash begins...  The Health 2.0 Blog
"Businesses that advertise get bad reviews 'disappeared' and those who don’t find their good reviews are vanishing."
Moodlog: measuring mood with text queries  The Quantified Self
More on last week's "Measuring Mood" post.
Are We Mature Enough to Make Use of Comparative Effectiveness Research?  Wachter's World
"One of his procedural specialists told him, 'I make my living off unnecessary procedures.'"
Will health IT be Obama version of the Iraq War  ZDNet Healthcare
Further on the point yesterday's post "Informatics or Infomagic?" by Health Care Renewal's Scott Silverstein, ZDNet's Blankenhorn hosts a revealing comment thread between business IT and healthcare IT.


hNBIC Editors: Published items (items 1 to 50)
February 25, 2009
Predictors of Adherence by Adolescents to a Cognitive Behavior Therapy Website in School and Community-Based Settings  Journal of Medical Internet Research
More about measuring mood. A study finds survey adherence is greater in monitored settings. (Duh.)
Are Health IT Designers, Testers and Purchasers Idiots Who Are Trying to Kill People? Part 1 of a Series  Health Care Renewal
A three-part series on clueless health IT from the essential Scott Silverstein, MedInformaticsMD.
The New Spending Numbers: What They Tell Us, And What They Don’t  Health Affairs Blog
U.S. 10-year national health spending projections plus annual estimates of spending by medical condition.
Medpedia: Who gets to say what info is reliable?  e-Patients.net
Motivated patients vs. the credentialed establishment.
Most fertility clinics break the rules  CGS
"A key difference, though, is that health programs in Europe cover the cost..."


hNBIC Editors: Published items (items 1 to 50)
February 26, 2009
Device to Predict Negative Response to Medication  Medgadget
Through SNPs, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, in a patient's genome.
The myth of the concentration oasis  Mind Hacks
"If you think Twitter is an attention magnet, try living with an infant."
Reigning in the extended mind  Mind Hacks
On the book "Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action and Cognitive Extension."
Mobile phones to diagnose via breathalyzer?  mobihealthnews
Not just alcohol concentration but asthma, diabetes, lung cancer, breath odor, a certain type of food poisoning.
Healing But Not Curing  Science-Based Medicine
Complementary and alternative medicine should be regarded as spiritual practices.
The Doctor Kiosk  Technology Review Feed - Biomedicine Top Stories
The Virtual Practice Project health vending machine.
OrganizedWisdom: Much Ado About Very Little [Highlight HEALTH 2.0]  The Highlight HEALTH Network
"...some quite sloppy, not ready for prime time stuff" in a Health 2.0 paragon.
Brain-Manipulation Machines Raise Ethical Questions  Wired Health
Cybernetic in addition to pharmaceutical cosmetic neurology.
ePharma Consumer "Are you listening now?"  World of DTC Marketing
"The number of people searching for prescription drug information online has tripled in five years."